Getting to Know Me…

Lauren Mulherrin Gongorek
2 min readJul 6, 2021


I am currently in my final course of the Learning Design & Technology (LDT) Master’s Program at Purdue University. This blog is part of my coursework for EDCI 528 Human Performance Technology.

Family Vacation in Florida

A little about me… my name is Lauren Mulherrin Gongorek and I live in Chicago with my husband Tyler, our 4-month-old son William, and our mini-goldendoodle Henry. I work at an executive search and leadership advisory firm as a Learning Solution Specialist on the Global Curriculum Team. Jargon translation: I lead the design and project management of learning solutions for the firm. I’m very passionate about transforming what most would consider boring corporate training into engaging and interactive learning experiences. Previously, I was a Design Consultant at a company that specialized in custom learning simulations.

My undergraduate degree is in Hospitality Administration from Boston University. After a few years of working at a creative agency focused primarily on events, I came across learning design. I began designing without textbook knowledge of the field and was at times uncomfortably aware that I was operating solely on instinct and curiosity. I love the work that I do and decided to apply for the LDT program to gain a more formal education in the field. I very intentionally sought out a program with a strong technology focus. In hindsight and nearing graduation, I’m very glad that I did, as much of the workforce has moved remote due to COVID-19.

When I’m not working or doing school work, you can find me taking care of William or walking Henry. When we’re able to grab a babysitter for the night (thank you Pop-pop & Gigi!), my husband and I are usually out trying new restaurants or catching up with friends. Yay for the post-vax life!




Lauren Mulherrin Gongorek

Enthusiastic learning and development professional inspired by human-centered design and the future of adult learning.